How to archive inactive Microsoft Teams with Azure Automation

In my last blog post, I showed you how to find inactive Microsoft Teams with GraphAPI and Azure Automation. I’ve blogged about a script that writes all inactive Microsoft 365 groups to a SharePoint Online list. In this blog post, I will show you, how to archive inactive Microsoft Teams with Azure Automation.

My solution uses an approval process by Microsoft Flow and a Azure Automation Account with a scheduled script to archive a Team. The script uses the GraphAPI endpoint.

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Find inactive Microsoft Teams with Azure Automation and GraphAPI

In many projects I get the question about how to find inactive Microsoft Teams and how to deal with them. In this blog post, I show you how to find inactive Microsoft Teams with Azure Automation and GraphAPI. The script adds all inactive Teams or Microsoft 365 to a SharePoint Online list. In a second blog post, I will describe how to archive these inactive groups. Of course, Microsoft offers a built-in solution for these scenarios. But perhaps the solution doesn’t fit to 100% to your business needs and then an own solution comes into the game.

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How to find ownerless Microsoft Teams – Part 2

In my first blog post about how to manage ownerless Microsoft Teams, I wrote about the standard tools by Microsoft. In this blog post, I will give you some inputs how to use the Microsoft Graph API in combination with SharePoint Online and Microsoft Flow to find ownerless M365 groups and to stay informed about ownerless teams or Microsoft 365 groups.

I will use the Graph API to get a report about the existing Microsoft Teams. This dataset is filtered on ownerless teams and is written to a SharePoint list. When stored in the SharePoint list, you can extend the solution by triggering a Microsoft Flow to notify the service desk, for example.

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How to manage ownerless Microsoft Teams – Part 1

In this first blog post of two, I will cover how to manage ownerless Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 groups using board tools from Microsoft. Ownerless Microsoft 365 groups or teams are quite common and often seen in the wild.

A few weeks ago, Martina Grom tweeted about a new feature in the Microsoft Admin Center to find these ownerless Microsoft 365 groups or Microsoft Teams. It allows active members to be notified by mail when the team, or rather the Microsoft 365 group, no longer has an owner. This tweet brought this feature to my attention.

I will show you this option and an alternative way to notify someone about ownerless teams, like the IT staff for example, by a scripted solution in a second post.

Continue reading “How to manage ownerless Microsoft Teams – Part 1”