In this blog post, I will guide you through the steps to connect an Audiocodes MediaPack to Microsoft Teams. This allows you to use your analoge phones with Microsoft Teams. Of course, it is not the cheapest solution and there are other options. But with Microsoft Teams, you can easily control and manage an analoge phone. For example, you can restrict outbound call destinations by assigning a voice routing policy. Or you can monitor the call quality for analog phone.
Continue reading “How to connect an Audiocodes MediaPack to Microsoft Teams”How to connect Spectralink IP DECT system with Microsoft Teams
In this blog post you can learn how to connect Spectralink IP DECT system with Microsoft Teams. I write about the requirements, which Spectralink hardware is supported for connecting with Microsoft Teams and how to configure the IP DECT server.
Microsoft supports to connect your Spectralink IP DECT system with Microsoft Teams thanks to the new Microsoft Teams SIP gateway. It allows you to connect native, certified SIP devices to your Microsoft Teams platform. Since September 2022 certified IP DECT systems are also supported.
Continue reading “How to connect Spectralink IP DECT system with Microsoft Teams”Customize Music on Hold in Microsoft Teams
In this blog post you will learn how to customize the music on hold in your Microsoft Teams environment. Microsoft announced this feature to be deployed in September 2022 and it allows us to define an own music on hold.
You archive this by configuring the new policy Hold Music in the Microsoft Teams Admin Center. Because it is a Microsoft Teams policy, you have the choice to set a new music on hold globally for all users or to define a music on hold for individual users.
Continue reading “Customize Music on Hold in Microsoft Teams”Teams Nation – Monthly MeetUp – March 2021
Last week I had the opportunity to speak at the monthly MeetUp of the Teams Nation. My topic for the session was Microsoft Teams Direct Routing with Local Media Optimization.
Continue reading “Teams Nation – Monthly MeetUp – March 2021”Auto dial with Microsoft Teams
A very often requested feature in Microsoft Teams Phone System projects is auto dial. A user marks a phone number and is looking for a shortcut to initiate a phone call with Microsoft Teams to this marked number. Does it work, Thorsten, auto dial for Microsoft Teams?
To be honest: not directly out of the box. But based on an article from Frank Carius, I found a solution for this request.
Continue reading “Auto dial with Microsoft Teams”Microsoft Teams and Direct Routing – some calls are failing and marked as missed calls
I had the situation where Microsoft Teams is configured for Direct Routing and calls are dropped unexpectedly. We are using an Audiocodes SBC in Microsoft Azure and a SIP Trunk from Deutsche Telekom for the PSTN connection.
Sometimes an inbound call is signaled by Microsoft Teams for a second and then, it is dropped. In the Microsoft Teams activity feed a missed call is visible. Also, a missed call was shown in the activity feed even there was no ringing.
At first, I thought I could bring it down to cell phone calls only. But after asking my colleagues some users reported the same behaviour for calls coming from PBX systems.
Continue reading “Microsoft Teams and Direct Routing – some calls are failing and marked as missed calls”Microsoft Teams – Busy here
I guess it’s more an issue for European Microsoft Teams users but we European loves our busy signalling 😉
If you enable PSTN calling features in your Microsoft Teams environment, you will very fast recognize that there is no busy
Arrives a second call while you are in a