Office 365 – QuickTipp – Episode 25 – Microsoft Forms – Updated Version

In my 25th episode I will share with you some updated features in Microsoft Forms. When you follow me from the first release, you know that my first QuickTipp was about Microsoft Forms and Design Ideas. A few months ago, Microsoft enhanced this service and suggest you some answer based on you question. This is quite awesome and helpful when English is your native language. For other languages, the feature isn’t available yet.

Design Ideas in general

Microsoft introduced the feature Design Ideas into their Office Click-2-Run suite in 2017. The new feature supports you to give your PowerPoint slides a professional touch. Some months later this feature becomes intelligent and based onto the content of your slides the design ideas were adjusted. When you prepare some PowerPoint slides with the title “airplane”, designs and images around aero were suggested to you.

Design Ideas in PowerPoint Desktop app

Design Ideas are available in the PowerPoint desktop app, but also in the PowerPoint Online Version:

Design Ideas in PowerPoint Online

Even in other Office 365 services like Microsoft Forms is this feature available. In Forms the service will offer you some general design options like button and headline colour and background images.

If you like to get some further info’s to this topic, watch my first QuickTipp episode:

Design Ideas 2.0

In my newest video post, five month later, I recorded a session to present and demo you an enhancement of this feature. Microsoft Forms now suggests possible answers based on the question. For example: If you would like to know the favourite colour of your participants, Microsoft Forms or the engine behind it suggests to you different colours as answer. If you are asking for a favourite cloud service, the engine suggests to you different technical vendors like Amazon or Microsoft.

Also, I noticed that from time to time, the engines suggests you complete questions with answers, too. So, it becomes quite easy and quick to create new forms.

Unfortunately, currently this feature is only working for English based Forms. Hope to see this feature soon for other languages as well.

How it works, watch my video:

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